Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy, uh, Chinese New Year....

Well it looks like I missed the western New Year with the blog so we'll start back in at the Chinese New Year (which is technically on Tuesday, if you're keeping track.)

The last month was not so good, health-and-fitness-wise. Snow, travel, family gatherings, holiday celebrations, colds, food poisoning... the good thing was that I didn't quit exercising altogether - I went to the fitness centre once while we were in Whitehorse - but generally, yeah. Not good.

So, back on the wagon. Yesterday I did a strength test for pushups - 22, which is not all that bad - and so I'll start back on the pushups program tomorrow at week 3, column 2. This morning I did a run, setting myself back to week 4 of the couch to 5K program but I think I'll go for the beginning of week 5 next run because that was pretty easy.

On the food side of things, I succumbed to the lure of the christmas goodies and while I'm not mad at myself for doing it, it is REALLY hard getting off the starches again. The last couple of days haven't been too bad but I really need to have about a week of NO starches or sugars before I feel comfortable with it again. The food poisoning last week certainly didn't help - although it only lasted a day I wasn't able to face much except toast for another day or so afterwards.

As for New Year's resolutions, the only one that really concerns this blog is that I'm going to run the Times Colonist 10K. Yikes! I have barely 3 months to get myself up to running 10K. Right now, I could run 5K, with some difficulty. So I need to get myself first comfortable with 5K, then work up to 10K pretty fast. It will definitely be challenging!

To that end, I really need to start waking up earlier and going running in the morning. Not every day, but it's light early enough now that if I run Tuesdays and Fridays during the day and once on the weekend, if I can add one weekday morning run in, I think I'll be good for a while. Closer to the race I'll be needing to run every day, but I think this will suffice until mid-March.

1 comment:

Anna said...

OK - so I went for an "assessment run" today, to see how it felt. I could do 20 minutes, and it felt all right, even though I played a 2 hour game of street hockey yesterday. So I'm more in for the TC10k now.