Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm pretty sure it's not ACTUALLY dead so I'll keep flogging it.

I was never able to quite get back on the wagon after Christmas. And now I feel like absolute shite, which is generally enough to kick me back on. Seriously, I am not feeling well. Most of the time I want to just whine a lot - it's not FAAAIIIIR. Millions of other people can eat crap virtually all the time and they survive apparently fine. I eat a bit too much sugar and flour consistently and don't get much exercise beyond chasing Rowan on her Skuut bike, and I feel bloated and gross and I start getting heart palpitations. (I did some reading and they're most likely harmless, since there is no associated pain, dizziness or shortness of breath.)

Well, it sucks to be me doesn't it? So today I'm back on the wagon. And I've come to the conclusion that I probably need to do some portion control in order to actually lose weight.

For what it's worth, I'm only cranky about this because I'm PMSing. It's not the ideal time to restrict my food intake, but if I can make it through the next couple days, I'll be fine.

1 comment:

Liz said...

:D Or maybe you're feeling bloated because of the PMS? Or the PMS is being made worse by the diet things?

Leave really really good dark chocolate in your diet. Y'know, the stuff where it's hard to eat more than an ounce because it's so rich?