Thursday, November 20, 2008

is it wrong that it's harder to resist my own cooking?

Today is my little girl's birthday - she is 3! Growing so fast... sniff. And now able to make certain birthday requests. Like strawberry cupcakes.

Hoo boy - this was WAY harder than hallowe'en. Hallowe'en is just crap junk, that I find it easy to say no to for a couple of reasons. But my own baking? Uuuurrrghhhh...

The upshot of it was, I made Stirling test the cupcakes, taking only the tiniest nibble to reassure myself he wasn't just humouring me that they were good. But the icing... the icing got the better of me. It started with a tiny lick, just to make sure I had the sugar/creamcheese balance right. Then I had to make sure it was ok with the strawberry puree added in. Then it was some sort of crime to leave the bowl with ANY microbial icing remains, and Stirling was in the tub, so what was I supposed to do?

So I ate some icing. Not as much as I would have in the good old days (when I would have baked cinnamon buns this morning just to "use up" the leftovers) but some. And I am not surprised that I am way hungrier today than I have been for a while, but I have still remained in control and not eaten anything starchy or sugary, except some grapes that Stirling bought that I'm reluctant to give to Rowan because they're non-organic and probably loaded with pesticides. (So, yeah, I shouldn't eat them either.) But this is apparently what happens when one sends one's husband to the grocery store with no cash and the request for cupcake papers that cost all of $1.50 - he feels obligated to buy something else.

ANYWAY my jeans are fitting much better and my cold is going away, so I'm not going to get all freaked out about a little icing.

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